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Elevate your patient communication game with 29 simple SMS and WhatsApp templates for healthcare

Elevate your patient communication game with 29 simple SMS and WhatsApp templates for healthcare

Improving how we communicate with patients in healthcare is super important in today's digital world. Many patients prefer managing their medical needs online, making it essential to improve your communication strategies through SMS, WhatsApp, and RCS channels. Do you not have the time to read this article? Watch our video down below for a short summary about the article.

Here's how we can make things easier and smoother for both patients and healthcare providers:

1. Digital Convenience: People love it when things go easily and they don’t have to think about it too much, right? Using SMS, WhatsApp, and RCS makes it super convenient for patients to manage their healthcare needs online.

2. Making Things Better: With a good communication strategy, patients stay more engaged, and healthcare providers can work more efficiently. Plus, with SMS, you can send out reminders for appointments in a matter of minutes, which means fewer missed appointments, happier patients and it saves valuable time for doctors and nurses. Simply put, putting money into SMS will be worth it because it cuts down on missed appointments, paying for itself in the long run. 

By embracing mobile messaging technologies, healthcare providers can boost patient engagement, streamline communication processes, and ultimately deliver better healthcare experiences. 

Let's dive into 24 SMS templates tailored for the healthcare industry:

Appointment reminders via SMS

In healthcare, appointment reminders are invaluable for keeping patients informed and engaged with their medical schedules. These reminders can help reduce missed appointments, which in turn helps clinics operate more smoothly, strengthens patient care, and improves overall healthcare efficiency.

For instance, Erasmus MC, a leading hospital in the Netherlands, experienced a significant reduction of 70% in no-show appointments after implementing Spryng's SMS solution for appointment reminders. This success highlights the impact that well-implemented reminder systems can have across various healthcare settings, including dentist offices, physical therapy clinics, and mental health institutions.

Moreover, appointment reminders serve a broader purpose beyond reminding patients of upcoming appointments. They can also be used to remind patients to bring important documents, advise them to arrive 15 minutes before their scheduled appointment for administrative purposes, and provide options for convenient rescheduling when necessary.

By using appointment reminders strategically, healthcare professionals can not only boost patient attendance but also streamline clinic operations and improve patient satisfaction.

A simple confirmation:

Hi [NAME], we’re just confirming your appointment on [DATE] at [TIME]. Please ring the practice if you need to cancel or reschedule. 

A simple reminder:

Hello [NAME], you have an appointment on [DATE] at [TIME]. Please arrive no later than 15 minutes before your appointment time.

Reminder to bring important documents:

Hi [NAME], don’t forget your appointment at [LOCATION] of [HOSPITAL GROUP] on [DATE] at [TIME]. Please remember to bring your passport, insurance card and printed contract.

Encourage a response or rescheduling:

Hi [NAME], your appointment with [DOCTOR NAME] is on [DATE] at [TIME]. Please confirm by replying with Y or N to reschedule.

A rich message version:

Hi [NAME], you have an appointment in 72 hours with [DOCTOR NAME] at [TIME]. Need to make any changes?

[Button: Reschedule] [Button: Call reception]

For new patients:

Hi [NAME], you have an appointment tomorrow with [DOCTOR]. Please fill out our new patient form: [URL] Call us on [NUMBER] if you have any questions.

Opt-in confirmation via SMS

Opt-in and out information is crucial in healthcare, providing patients with control over how they receive updates and important details about their care. By allowing patients to choose their preferred communication channels, such as SMS or email, healthcare providers can ensure that information reaches patients effectively and in a manner that suits their preferences. This creates better patient engagement and ultimately leads to improved health outcomes.

A simple confirmation:

Hello [NAME], you’re now signed up to receive updates from [PRACTICE NAME]. 

Add a link:

Hi [NAME], thank you for signing up to receive [CHANNEL] updates from us. We’ll be sending you the latest health-related news. Want to opt out? [LINK]

Opt-out confirmation via SMS

A short confirmation:

You have successfully unsubscribed from our [CHANNEL] updates. 

Add personalisation:

Hi [NAME], just confirming that you’ve successfully unsubscribed from receiving text messages from us. We’re sorry to see you go! 

Test results via SMS

In healthcare, timely access to test results is important for patient care. Opting in to receive test results electronically allows patients to quickly and securely access important medical information, motivating them to stay informed about their health status. This streamlined process ensures that patients receive their results fast, enabling them to make informed decisions and take necessary actions together with healthcare providers.

A short alert:

Your test results are now ready. Please call the practice.

Add a link:

Hi [NAME], your test results are now available on our portal: [LINK] Please call us if you have any questions. [NUMBER]

A rich message:

Hello [NAME], your test results are now ready. Please book a slot with us to discuss the results,

[Button: Book appointment] [Button: Call us]

Survey requests via SMS

In healthcare, receiving patient feedback through survey requests is important for improving services and patient satisfaction. Opting in to participate in surveys allows patients to share their experiences and perspectives, giving hospitals and practices valuable insights to enhance the quality of care. By actively engaging in surveys, patients contribute to the ongoing improvement of healthcare delivery, ultimately leading to better outcomes for everyone involved.

Following up from an appointment:

Hi [NAME], could you please take a minute to take our short survey and let us know what you thought when you attended your appointment on [DATE]? It would really help us improve our services.

Following up on an appointment no-show:

Our records show that you did not attend your appointment on [DATE]. Could you please take a moment to let us know why so we can update our records? [LINK]

Invitations for healthcare appointments via SMS

In healthcare, invitations for appointments or screenings can be extremely useful for proactive health management. Opting in to receive these invitations ensures that patients stay up-to-date with important preventive care measures and screenings tailored to their individual health needs. 

By actively participating in these invitations, patients prioritize their well-being and give the possibility for early detection and intervention for potential health concerns. 

Screening invitation:

[NAME], it’s time for your [CONDITION] screening. Please call the practice and book an appointment with us.

Reminder to book a recurring appointment:

Hi [NAME], it’s time for your quarterly [APPOINTMENT] check-up. Click here to book: [URL]

Inactive patient invitation:

It’s been [NUMBER] months since your last appointment, [NAME]. Book your next appointment soon and avoid [ISSUE].

Preventative treatment promotion:

Hi [NAME], the days are getting longer, hotter and brighter. When was the last time you had a skin cancer screening? Make a preventative appointment today with [DOCTOR NAME]!


"Hi [NAME], if you know anyone who's looking for a new [DOCTOR/DENTIST, etc.], feel free to refer them to us. Your recommendation means a lot and can help others find the care they need. Thank you!"

Increase email open rates or portal usage with SMS and WhatsApp 

Use SMS and WhatsApp to boost email open rates or encourage portal usage in healthcare communication. While many providers rely on email or patient management portals, these methods often face low engagement rates. However, SMS remains a powerful tool to improve efficiency in both options.

Consider this: the average email open rate stands at 21%, while SMS messages boast an impressive 98% open rate. Leveraging SMS or WhatsApp can significantly improve communication effectiveness and ensure important messages are seen quickly.

Encouraging Portal Usage:

 "Hi [NAME], your [HOSPITAL NAME] has sent you an important message via email. Please check your inbox and read it carefully within 24 hours to stay updated."

Boosting Email Open Rates:

"Hi [NAME], an urgent message awaits you in your email inbox from [HOSPITAL NAME]. Please take a moment to read it thoroughly. Your attention is greatly appreciated."

Service updates via SMS

In healthcare, staying informed about service updates is important for patients to access the latest advancements and improvements in their care. Opting in to receive these updates ensures that patients remain informed about changes in services, such as new treatment options, updated policies, or enhanced amenities.

Closure reminder:

Please note that the practice is closed in 4 weeks for [HOLIDAY]. We will open on [DATE] at [TIME]. 

Opening hours reminder:

Hi [NAME], just an update regarding our opening hours for [HOLIDAY]. Our team will be available on [DAYS] at [TIME]. 

How can WhatsApp for Business be useful in Healthcare?

Instant Communication: WhatsApp enables real-time communication between healthcare providers and patients, allowing for quick responses to inquiries, appointment scheduling, and providing essential healthcare information.

Secure Messaging: With end-to-end encryption, WhatsApp ensures the confidentiality of patient information, making it a secure platform for discussing sensitive medical matters.

Multimedia Capabilities: Healthcare professionals can leverage WhatsApp's multimedia features to share images, videos, and documents, facilitating better patient education, remote consultations, and follow-up care instructions.

Automation and Chatbots: Integrating chatbots with WhatsApp for Business allows healthcare providers to automate appointment reminders, medication alerts, and FAQs, freeing up staff time and improving operational efficiency.

WhatsApp for Business can also simplify appointment management in healthcare. Patients can easily confirm appointments or request rescheduling through personalized messages sent directly to their phones. With automated systems, staff time is saved, while patient engagement and attendance are improved.

5 WhatsApp templates for healthcare communication:

Medication Reminder:

"Hi [Name], it's time to take your medication. Remember to follow the prescribed dosage. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

Health Tips Newsletter:

"Dear Patient, here are some health tips for maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Click [Link] to read more. Stay healthy!"

Follow-up Care Instructions:

"Hi [Name], following your recent appointment, here are some post-care instructions for you to follow. Please review and let us know if you have any concerns."

Emergency Contact Information:

"Dear Patient, in case of a medical emergency, here are our contact details: [Emergency Contact Number]. Save this number for quick assistance."

Customer Service Assistance:

"Thank you for reaching out to us! Our team will respond to your message within 30 minutes. For urgent matters, please call our emergency line at [PhoneNumber]. Your well-being is our priority."

By incorporating WhatsApp for Business into their communication strategy, healthcare providers can form stronger patient relationships, improve accessibility to care, and ultimately enhance the overall healthcare experience. Ultimately, it can reduce pressure on most departments. 

Ready to transform your patient engagement with Spryng?

There you have it - 29 engaging SMS and WhatsApp templates to enhance your patient communication strategy. With personalized messages and seamless automation, you'll not only boost patient engagement but also save valuable time for healthcare professionals.

These templates serve as invaluable tools for the healthcare sector, offering efficient solutions effortlessly. By continually refining and expanding our template library, we tailor communication to better suit the unique needs of healthcare providers and patients alike. From personalized follow-ups to targeted health promotions, there's endless potential for enhancing patient engagement and satisfaction with Spryng’s SMS and WhatsApp services.Ready to elevate your healthcare communications? Partner with Spryng for innovative messaging solutions tailored to your needs. Ready to transform your patient engagement? Visit our website at to learn more and start your journey towards better patient care. Now, let's craft those messages – your patients will appreciate it!

Video summary: 29 SMS and WhatsApp templates for healthcare

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